
Lockerbie Drama Club


Lockerbie Drama Club... an amateur drama club operating in Lockerbie (which is in South West Scotland for those of you who live in distant countries, like England).

We usually put on two plays a year. These generally go on in November and in April and run for five nights. We rehearse two evenings a week, usually on Mondays and Wednesdays, so if you fancy dropping in on us, those are good nights to find us in.) Most of the time we do comedies and thrillers, but every so often we throw in a serious play for a bit of a change.

As well as our own productions, our Little Theatre is also used as a venue for other performers to put on concerts and plays

During the Summer we generally have play-readings on Wednesday evenings. These are fun in themselves, and help us find suitable plays for the coming season. If you fancy coming to one of these it's advisable to contact us first since they sometimes get cancelled at short notice.

We're particlularly proud of our Little Theatre, which we acquired in 1964 It seats 86 people and we like to think there is a friendly atmosphere to the place


A Little History

Lockerbie Drama Club came out of Lockerbie Churches Dramatic Society. In 1964 we got our own Little Theatre on the corner of Well Street and Well Road in Lockerbie. It's converted from what used to be woodwork rooms at Lockerbie Academy. For the last 40 years we've been putting on two or three shows per year.

Who We Are